Seriously – maybe this time!

I know I said I was going to get back into blogging last year.   I have had a lot going on and blogging just wasn’t a top priority.  🙂

This time I think I mean it!  I see Eresin around Facebook, and it reminds me that I really should get back into this!  She took a break, too, but she is back at it now.

I updated a bunch of info on the home page.  That is what has been occupying me in the WoW world.

So, now to think about what to continue to blog about.  I can’t claim that this will be about druid healing mainly.

I have three end game healers,  Cayce, Isobel, and Zaralin. And at this point, I should stop and thank Mustafah.

SO:  Thank you my dear Stafah,  for being such an aggro whore that there is a need for healers and because I would not be such as good healer if I had not had so much practice keeping you alive.

So, I may pick back up with healing in general and then some class specifics as well.

Or I may pick back up with loads of sarcasm and smart@ss comments.  They seem to just flow  for me!

We will see what comes with time!

OMG! She DOES Exist!!!

No, not Mrs. Clause, but Zaralin!

Oh my, it has been a while since I posted anything. I am getting off my butt a bit and posting, thank you, Eresin!

SO – I am still playing WoW and have been very busy. A LOT has changed since the last time I posted! I keep meaning to post, but never get around to it. Once I list off some of the changes, you’ll see why. 🙂

So, brief summary of changes since the last post:

Zaralin is still running with ill repute, gone through parts of Ulduar, all of ToC10, and most of ToC25 (still working on Anub, though). So many new content raids and we don’t seem to stay on one long enough to get through – and now we have ICC. Still a tree healer, but can also do some mean Doomkin damage now, too, if necessary.

Gnomara got to 80 and then switched over to ill repute as well. Same as above for raids.

Meleah worked her way to level 78 and has been languishing there for a while. She and Shakarri aren’t minding too much, though. Many people stop by to visit and get gems cut.

I also have a warlock – Analyn. She was my token hordie, but I switched her to alliance when that option became available. That’s a fun class to play too, she is hanging out level 36. All the new content causes toon neglect!

In the meantime, I leveled a ret pally – Isobel (“devoted to God” – appropriate for a paladin, no?). Melee is so different, yet fun to beat the sh*t out of stuff. Anyway, at level 70 I dual specced with holy. OMG – pally healing is so much more fun than druid healing (yes, I went there). Anyway, I have gotten her geared up now and just recently switched her to my main toon in the guild. No, I am not changing this blog to Isobel’s Zen or anything. I am still Zaralin (“Z”). Maybe I will make a off-shoot of this blog for Isobel – or maybe I will just start to post here more. 🙂

And then recently I created an elemental Shaman – Cayce. I named her in honor of my grandmother (but not after her). My grandmother was a very spiritual woman and she had a great respect for Edgar Cayce – who many people considered to be a shaman. Look up information about him some time – fascinating!

Anyway, there is the three minute update. I promise to try to post more often (hey, my first New Year’s resolution!).

Love and peace to all!

They put up a good fight, but the gnomes were better.

So, I never put up a post when Gnomara hit level 80 (bad Zara!).  I think it happend last week or the week before (very bad Z!).

Anyway, I spent the first 79 levels bargain shopping for epic gear, so when she got to 80, she was QUITE well geared.  Been running heroics, Naxx 10, and OS 10 and 25.

I am loving having a mage!   FFB for the win!

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My Horoscope for Today per

So this is my horoscope for today, as posted on

Aries (21.03 – 20.04) You need to deal with kid-related business today, even if you’re childless yourself. Maybe you’re called on to babysit, or maybe it’s time to sit down with someone close and talk about the future.

Pretty funny, considering today is the start of WoW’s Children’s Week!

Parenting Advice # 2141 from Zaralin:  Don’t let your kids watch too many zombie movies.

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Where to Quest?

The age-old question of where to quest has been answered!


Just Kidding!

BUT – I did finally get my page of “Where to Quest” completed! It is organized by Continent and Levels. Enjoy.

Now go kill stuff and get out of my hair!

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